Wednesday 31 March 2010

31/03/10 DAY 3

Buy in:
10 push ups
5 burpees
20 Monkey movements
20 walking lunges

Skill: Capoeira

WOD 1: Death by push ups

7 rounds (abandoned) TOO EASY!

WOD 2: 'House circuits'

2 rounds of 1min: lunges, burpees, box jumps, squats, jack knives, HSPU/shoulder taps, pull ups

30 secs rest between exercises / 1 min rest between round 1 & 2

Will - R1 Lunges 35 R2 55, R1 Box Jumps 16 R2 21, R1 Squats 42 R2 61, R1 Jack knives 6 R2 15, R1 Shoulder taps 12 R2 2, Pull Ups R1 10 R2 20, R1 Burpees 14 R2 16

30/03/10 DAY 2

Buy in:
400m run
10 push ups x 2
10 wall ball x 2
10 squats x 2

Skill: Double Unders



5 rounds for time:

40 Double Unders (80 normal skips)
30 Sledge hammer wood chops
400m run

Will - 3 double unders in a row (PB) / 25.57

29/03/10 DAY 1

Skill: HSPU (handstand push ups)

Assisted push / controlled lower down 3 x 3 (2 boxing pad mats under head)
6 x 10 sec tucked handstand holds (on chair)

WOD aka 'Workout of the Day':

'3/4 Angie'
100 press ups
100 sit ups
100 sqauts

(in any order)

Will 14.06